
Monday, August 2, 2010

Early Morning Thoughts

I am starting this missive at 7:30 am because I am greatly the sound of Wii bowling wafting through the speaker system of my house. I am wondering to myself, "what will the sleeping teenagers think of this?" and then I think, "who cares?". Next, I jump out of my bed to tell Michael (clearly the source of the Wii idea) to turn the volume down (people are sleeping, you know) and I trip on a pirate ship that is on my bedroom floor. This ship is one of an entire fleet of pirate ships that are dry docked in my bedroom because that is where Michael likes to keep them. Pirate ship is his game of choice while lurking in the parent's room.

THEN, it occurs to me that I should blog about Michael. Sweet, beautiful, blue-eyed, 7 year old Michael Decatur Quinn. Late in life baby. Only child of an only child but born into a house already chock full of kids.He is a superb artist and puzzle-doer, has an adult vocabulary (sorta good/sorta not) and can out dance anyone I have ever known. Presently, I am considering giving him a large, flat screen, plasma TV for his bedroom so he will actually want to SLEEP in his own room (and maybe take the armada up there, too). Is that bad parenting? Well, I would also like to have my shower back - free from the little army men and airplanes and submarines that keep appearing in there. Would a large, flat screen plasma TV for his bathroom be going over-board?

I am getting nervous just thinking this through. If I lure him back to his own room, back to his own bed - how will I sleep without his warm breath in my face? Will I miss the sound of his whispered prayers? Can I really sleep without Barney, too? And what about the giant Sponge Bob? He makes a nice pillow for my neck. Winter is coming and Michael is really warm. It is 8:00 am now - why sleep in? Hmmmm.

Wait. The Wii is off. Maybe I will just think about all this tomorrow.

I have another 7 year old son, only he is 20 now. He really does have a large, flat screen, plasma TV in his room. It means a lot to him.

More later.


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